Four Mapels

Four Mapels
Showing posts with label 4-H. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4-H. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Farm Kid Fun

I am still in recovery mode from last week.  Last week was the local county fair which is the time in which kids involved with FFA and 4-H get to strut their stuff.  Projects that they have been working on for a while (as well as those that were finished in the eleventh hour) are judged and scored.  Animals that they have been taking care of, teaching to lead, and handling get washed and groomed to look nice for their respective shows.  Lunches and dinners consist entirely of fair food for a week and the temperature in the shade is, without fail, about 110 degrees.

This used to be easier....I come out of the week feeling like something the cat dragged in.  I have driven the road to the fairgrounds so many times that I could do it in my sleep, I have a purse filled with "just in case" items that would make any event planner proud - tape, safety pins, paper clips, pens, markers, rags, lead ropes, lip name it and I could probably find it in there. Not to mention the miscellaneous items that the little kids pick up at all the commercial exhibits - the bottles of bubbles, stickers, tattoos, pencils, tooth brushes, catalogs, used paper cups - it gets entirely out of hand.  Sun burned and smelling of whatever animal is to be shown that day, we make our rounds and ride the rides with the promise of Hawaiian shaved ice at the end of the day if there is enough cash left.

Don't get me wrong - I love it!....but it does take its toll on the parents.  When I was a kid, living at the fair was the highlight of the summer and I see the same thing reflected in my kids now, so who am I to deny them that fun? And they have fun while simultaneously learning new things.  During one of my weaker moments during the heat of a day at the fair I questioned whether they actually did learn anything, but my enduring son turned to me and rattled off his list of things he learned:
  • How to paint a room correctly and a mural to go with it.
  • How to grow garlic.
  • How to make a bat house and what white nose syndrome is in bats.
  • How to make a rocket out of scraps lying around the farm and get it to fly....and find it again in a soybean field.
  • How to build a fire (although I had to call him on this one because he kind of already knew how to make fire...not always safely... okay, so maybe he did learn something. )

Out of all these projects however, the one thing that they do learn how to do well is present themselves and be judged.  There is a lot of hard work that goes into a project - coming up with the idea, research, collecting the parts needed, assembling, experimenting, and completing projects all takes time and perseverance.  Then, to be able to explain to another person what, exactly, you did and why.....that is tough, but ironically what most people have to do on a daily basis while on the job.  Personally, I think the judges are entirely too lenient these days.  I seem to remember more white ribbons given out and more judges not being afraid to tell you just how much better you really could do if you just put in a little more time, but they are still being judged despite the relatively non-existent gradations of accomplishment.  I am probably their hardest judge - if they can get past me shaking my head and giving them the "you could do better" look, they are set for the judge. 

Too few kids are "judged" these days.  We have some crazy misconception that everyone should be a winner regardless of how bad you do and it has very rapidly led to demoralizing those kids that try exceptionally hard and making the lazy kids even more complacent.  We as a society have this crazy fear that if we tell a kid "this really isn't all that great, you could do better" that we will permanently scar and cripple them for all time.  When did kids become such wimps?  I definitely had my fair share of white ribbons and it taught me two things: I either had to work harder or, if I truly didn't like it, move on to something else.  Excel, or redirect.  This is how the best of the best get picked out - for a country so entrenched in Capitalism we sure do a lousy job of preparing our kids.  And, what's worse, we shake our heads and wonder what has happened to the younger generation and can't understand why they don't move out and get a job.   The corporate world is 'dog eat dog' and yet parents have been making sure that every puppy gets plenty to eat and lots of praise - no wonder they don't want to move out on their own and get a job.

Over the course of the week, we had a few rough patches - the sudden cold that my son got that made showing chickens a struggle and my daughter not having any back up music for her talent show competition (but she sang acapella amazingly anyway!)  Overall, I am happy to say that the week went very well. My son came out of the week with two State Fair trips and my daughter came away with a Champion trophy for her calf....yes, Hazel did well! They had put themselves out there and had fun doing it. The thing that I love to hear most of all at the end of the week is, "I can't wait until next year! I am going to take......, "  and the list is usually at least half a mile long.  I nod and smile and try to take fast mental notes that will later be used to direct all that energy and enthusiasm, but for now I am just going to breathe a sigh of relief that the county fair is done and restock the "just in case" items in my purse for going to State Fair.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The 4 - H Conundrum

Had an interesting discussion with my daughter the other day. She is very much into doing things that other people are doing (or have done) lately. I think she is trying to find her niche in the world.
The discussion of interest, however, happened while deciding which 4-H projects to tackle this year. They were due to turn in their enrolment forms and had to have their projects figured out. Food and Nutrition - check, Aerospace - check, Wood Working - check, Horticulture - check, Poultry - ......."what? you don't want to take the chickens again?"
No, .....she wants to take something bigger!
Bigger, as in something that she can "show" around a ring. Not just a simple chicken that you take in and out of its cage while talking to the judge.
She wanted to take a pig because that is what I had done in 4-H. Well, we will have pigs, so I could totally see how the idea crossed her mind, and they say that imitation is the best flattery, but I felt conflicted suddenly. Here is where we come to the conundrum.
4-H is a group that built out of the farmers of the community and as the farming practices started to change back in the 40s, 50s and 60s, so did 4-H. It is now very production oriented - the most animal units in the smallest space for the least amount of money. 4-H does focus on taking good care of these animals and some of the science behind the production is sound, but the bulk of the animals that go to the show are, sadly, raised in confinement type production systems.
We like to imagine that the problem isn't around here. It isn't our neighbors that do this horrible thing to animals, but when you peel off the denial....yeah it is. I drive by several confinement units on my way to work and there is one particular horrid cattle feedlot on the way to my parents with beef cattle piled nose to tail in muck up to their elbows and 6 foot fences all around their tiny enclosure while nice green fields stretch out in every direction for miles around them.
We grow pigs on this farm, but only two or three at a time and very slowly. We feed only organically grown feed and produce scraps from our garden.....well,.... and the occasional chicken that they corner and help themselves to. There is no possible way that a pig, grown in the way that we like to grow them, will gain enough, quickly enough to be shown at the fair. They would be close, but not quite.
Sometimes I wish 4-H went a little farther. Take those pigs on the hoof newly judged and then take them to the butcher and re-judge them based on meat quality and taste after they are butchered. Take it even further and judge them based on nutritional differences found in the meat. I would happily have Faye take a pig to the fair then.
So, how to change the system? This is what I contemplate as I drive by confinement units, hear the latest news on the farm bill, receive letters from my Alma mater vet school and cringe.
Speaking of Vet school....there, too, lies a problem. I cut my teeth in the production animal world in the very bosom of all farm animal knowledge....Iowa State. Did three years of an Animal Science degree and then launched into Vet school with the plan to become a mixed animal practitioner. I learned all the ins and outs of production animal medicine and surgery only to give it all up after I graduated. I started out at a mixed animal practice, but since I was 4 months pregnant with the daughter that now stood in the kitchen staring me down for a bigger animal to show at the fair, I had done only small animal work. Time, distance, and a lot of kids later I find myself where I am now - firmly entrenched in disliking my own industry for their narrow minded views on producing animals.
The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) themselves are pro-confinement operations, pro-antibiotic use in the feed, pro-large scale production. I try to unravel the "why" behind their political stance on all of these issues and I honestly can't see it. Are they (and by they I mean the production animal vets that make up the AVMA) afraid of what might happen to their multi-million dollar money makers - essentially IBP and Tyson foods? Are they afraid of what those huge corporations might do to them? Personally, I say "who cares!" I am a scientist and I have to look at all the ways and means of raising an animal - which is best? Best for the animal and best for the people eating the animal? Becoming a scientist teaches you how to think critically and then becoming a veterinarian promptly brainwashes you into thinking that the large scale production method is the way to go. It would seem to me to be in the best interest of the veterinarians of the country to be the leaders in raising animals - dictating what truly is the best method of raising an animal. We are supposed to be the animal advocates.....or is it that we are supposed to be the large scale production owner's advocate.....I forget....the brainwashing makes my head hurt.
I distinctly remember one production class. The professor was talking about beef production - raising cattle to put on the most meat as fast as possible and what they need to be fed to do that. Silly me, I always thought that cows were supposed to eat grass - they are ruminants after all, designed by thousands of years of genetics to be able to eat the stuff that omnivores and carnivores can't eat and digest. But here was a professor giving us a recipe for what to feed to beef cattle to make them grow really fast....and it wasn't grass. Not only that, but he said....and I remember this almost word for word because it struck me as somehow very wrong, "their feces should be so "hot" they almost bubble" What this actually translates to in non-vet lingo is that they have very loose stools and you will sometimes see a little 'froth' or 'bubble' on the top of the cow pie that they leave. Apparently, that is a sign that they are getting a really high protein feed and laying down a lot of muscle. But then he went on to talk about the liver abscesses that this can lead to because when we feed cattle this unnatural "hot" feed it screws with the bacterial flora of their rumen and then essentially end up with what amount to ulcers in the gut. The bacteria cross from the intestines into the liver and set up shop. These cattle may be putting on a lot of weight, but they are miserable doing it. Imagine someone cramming those "high performance energy bars" down your throat when you have a constant case of severe heart burn and gastritis. What is the production professor's answer to this? Antibiotics in the feed to help keep those bacteria in check.
Wrong, this seems so wrong.
And how did this start? I have no flipping clue. Somewhere along the line the big became bigger and they started thinking of ways that they could produce more faster and make more money. And, as so often happens, overproduction happened and then you have to make a market and a reason - we have to "feed the masses" , have a marketing campaign - "Beef! It's what's for dinner!"....remember that one? The prices eventually fall and the little guys go bankrupt and the big just keep getting bigger and start having a lot more political clout because they have the money to control the legislation. This is all a very sick and twisted system that we live in. What is done to mass produce slowly becomes the norm to the point that veterinarians start learning how to deal with the mess that is the confinement raised beef cow, hog or poultry and accepting it as norm. The norm becomes what is pandered to and taught to the next crowd of young aspiring vets and what is sent down to the extension services in each county as "good production practices" and further taught to young 4-H members contemplating what to take for fair that year.
So, we have come full circle - from me, growing up taking pigs to fair, thinking that this is the best way to do things, to a full veterinary degree later realizing that maybe we should be raising our animals differently and trying to find a way to help my children realize that as well, while fighting a system that tries to teach them the exact opposite.
"Can't do pigs, Honey."
"But why not?"
To which I attempted to explain the above at an 11 year old level.
"Well, how about a cow? Can I take a cow?"
"Beef steer or dairy cow? Because you know that the beef steers don't come home, they eventually go to market and we are back to the production conundrum again."
"A dairy cow. They come home right? And we can raise them like we want to and still take them to show right?"
By God, I think she might just understand and have it figured out. And, she may have just put me over a barrel. Yes, we have talked about getting a cow at some point. Why not now? Why not for a 4-H project? That would give us two years to watch it grow, build what will, no doubt, need to be built to have a milk cow in residence and re-learn my dairy cow medicine that I might need to know.
Therefore, I am now in the market for one newly born Brown Swiss heifer calf. If anyone should know a local dairy that would be willing to sell me one, let me know.
Photo credit: Farmer's Daughter.....clearly another person after my own heart.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Which Came First.......

Somehow I had a feather brained idea to get chickens. This was four years ago now. Looked up Murray McMurray website and ordered some chickens to be delivered in the spring. Didn't have a place for them to live, had no idea what to do with a chicken really at all, but how hard can it be? Right? When I get set on an idea, I am somewhat hard to dissuade.....I think 'bull headed' is generally how I am described by most of my close friends and relatives. It does get the ball rolling though, and sometimes that is really all that needs to happen to make it go. 6 am on a Saturday in April, phone rings and I can barely hear what the person on the other end is saying over the "peep! peep! peep!" in the back ground, "Your chicks are here in the post office for you to pick up." Normally, we like to sleep in, but Keith scrambled out of bed and headed into town to bring back the 24 chicks (plus 1 free rare one) that were now the newest residents of the farm. He came back about 30 minutes later carrying a rather small 1 foot x 1 foot square box with a rather noisy bunch of one day old chicks in it. I had scrambled around the house to improvise a confinement system that would hold them in until a more permanent dwelling location could be devised. Had to keep them out of the house because the house cats might eat them, had to keep them warm because that was what all the books said. I had managed to pick up a small waterer and feeder ahead of time. A quick knife to a few cardboard boxes and voila instant chick brooder. We set them up on our "stinky porch" - so named by our children due to the fact that the garbage resides out there and it does, in fact, sometimes stink......but that is another post altogether. There is maybe no other baby creature as cute and fluffy as a one day old baby chick. Watching them scramble around their enclosure was absolutely mesmerizing. The kids would sit out there for hours captivated by the random, chicken brained ramblings of the little ones. The "free rare chick" was quickly dubbed Brownie as he was the only one that looked a little different and could therefore be picked out of the crowd. McMurray had actually sent us 26 chickens because there were a few in the box whose health was rather questionable right from the start. I inspected them and tried to tube feed them as any good vet would, but they just didn't have it in them. Try explaining that to five kids who are suddenly and completely in love with the sickest of the lot. There were tears all around when the two sickest chicks passed away and a small funeral ceremony held in their honor....and then life went on and the kids walked away from the episode understanding a little better the fragility of life. One thing about chickens....they grow fast! It took no time at all before they were jumping up onto the sides of the brooder and inspecting the great beyond, just outside of their known world. Thankfully, Keith had been hard at work on a permanent chicken residence. Not only that, but the idea of the chickens now residing in one of our previously unused sheds prompted the fixing of the roof of the entire building. Suddenly, what had been a dilapidated building was now a snug little shed in which to house the chickens, and potentially any other farm animals that came our way. Turning them over to the wilds of the world, however, proved heart wrenching.....not that they weren't fine, but as Keith said one night when he finally came in from the chicken house. "Geez, it is like sending your kids off to college - I feel like I should put up a cot out here!" You get attached to the little things. I have heard that raising chickens becomes an addiction. I know that whoever said those words knew what they were talking about. Our plan was to have them be "free range" chickens, which is all well and good, but it takes a certain leap of faith to allow these young feather brains out the door and only hope that they somehow come back. There were several tentative trials of letting them out for a few minutes only to shepherd them back inside almost immediately. One of the biggest worries were the many farm cats that we keep. They are kept so that the rodent population doesn't get too out of hand. That, and the fact that, as a veterinarian, you tend to acquire many of life's "castoffs" that don't have anywhere else to be. One such cat was Sparky. He came to the farm because his claws got him into trouble and the people that had him needed to get rid of him.....hence, my house. He had grown into quite a nice cat and a very good hunter.....especially of chickens. One morning, I had just finished the chores and was about to head off to work when suddenly I heard a "PEEP!" coming from very near the closest shed to the house. I knew that there was no way that the chickens, housed in the building furthest from the house, could be that well heard from where I stood on the porch. I looked out toward the shed and low and behold, here comes Sparky with a half grown chick in his jaws peeping away. Torn between panic and knowing that if I rushed the cat, he would likely run out of range entirely with his catch. I called to him in my most cajoling voice, "here kitty, kitty" and he stopped and raised his tail in recognition as though to say, "Hey! Look what I caught for you!" Somehow, I managed to sneak a hand in and get him around the scruff of the neck at which point he dropped the bird. The chick took off running and stopped in a shaded area the swing set, but now I noticed another cat headed toward the unsuspecting chick. I grabbed this cat by the scruff and now had both hands full of mighty hunters. I knew I had to contain the cats because even if I just took them away and set them down, they would beat me back to the chick's hiding spot - cats are brilliant like that. So, I settled on trapping them in my husband's shop for a few minutes - although hard to turn the handle on a door when both hands are full of squirming, hungry cat. Tucked one of the cats under my elbow in a snug football hold, turned the door handle and tossed them in and shut the door as fast as possible. The chick was still in the same place, thank God and I was able to corner it and pick it up without too much trouble. Still too shocky from being in the jaws of a carnivore. I looked it over and found that all that had happened was that there was a puncture hole that went through the neck and into the crop where food was spilling out. I took the stressed out little tyke into the house and rinsed off the skin to fully analyze the damage. What to do? Too little to kill and eat, potentially healthy enough to be fixed, but usually the stress of medical care will sometimes alone kill them. I reached for the junk drawer. When in doubt, the answer may just lie in the junk drawer. Super glue has so many wonderful uses, but one of the greatest is fixing cuts. It is very similar to "tissue glue" which is the surgeon's answer to what to use. With glue and chick in hand I walked up stairs. Keith was still soundly sleeping and again, with things in each hand I didn't have a good way of getting his attention without being too loud. "Keith! Keith! Get up! I have to glue a chicken!" I said as I kicked the edge of the bed. He sat up blinking and said, "What?" I quickly explained the situation as we went downstairs where the light was better and over the sink I glued the chicken's neck closed. With a few simple prayers thrown toward whatever God might watch over mauled chicks, I took him back outside to be with his buddies. Within minutes of being back out with the other chickens, I could no longer figure out which chicken it was. To this day, I don't know if it was one of the roosters that we eventually butchered, or if it is still one of the hens that lives out in the shed. It healed up without incident thanks to Super Glue.
Straight Run
When I ordered the chickens, I ordered a straight run, which means that you will get both males and females in the mix. We were excited about all the wonderful eggs that the hens would give us, but we opted not to dwell on what would happen with the males. Eventually, on October 20th the first little egg appeared as though by magic one morning. Small, but perfect, this little egg has become immortalized on our shelf for all time (or at least until some kid knocks it down) - I blew out the inside and shellacked it to remind us how good we have it to get free, home grown eggs.....and to remember how long we have been eating those eggs.
The boys were getting ever bigger, although it was still a little hard to tell just which one the "boys" were because they hadn't started crowing yet. Within a few weeks of the first egg hatching, however, there suddenly was some very unusual noises coming from the chicken house. It sounded like a choir of pubescent boys - voices cracking all over the place as they made multiple attempts at what might one day be called a "crow" Many would start fine, but then get choked off mid crow in what sounded like a deep throat clearing. With the crowing came the testosterone and the realization that we now had almost a dozen chickens to "do" something with.
The local butcher doesn't do fowl because of the feather mess - this is completely understandable having now seen the feathered mess for myself. As an undergraduate Animal Science major, I did take a "meats" course in which we saw how many meat animals were processed and then cooked. I highly recommend this course to anyone if you have any questions at all where your meat comes from. Better yet, try this....try going to a meat packing plant and asking for a tour. Just so you will never happen. You know why? Because they worry not that you will be grossed out by the animals being butchered, but you WILL be grossed out by the conditions and how the meat is handled. It may very well lead you to never eat meat again and then were would their company be?
I have been to the packing plants as they are in process. I went as a student doing research. We had to go and get tissue samples for what we were working on. It wasn't pretty - any of it. It was loud, and disgusting, and even I could see the gross cross contamination happening. Best yet was when an entire side of beef fell off the conveyor belt. It is supposed to be then "condemned". They hung it to the side for a while and then, when they thought we were too engrossed in our work to notice, they slid it back onto the line. The USDA inspectors that are there, I am ashamed to say, are veterinarians. It saddens me to think of how low their lives have sunk to be a USDA inspector....most, to me, appear to be former shells of a veterinarian. No longer actually caring about the animals they were sworn to protect, now a mere pawn of the government and getting paid high dollars to do it too.
Anyway, back to the boys. The time had come. Reviewed how to humanely kill a chicken and "process" it, which entails removing the feathers and internal organs all without contaminating the meat in the process. Our chosen method of humane euthanasia was La Guillotine also known as "the axe". We devised a cone that held the chicken securely and quietly and then if you hang them upside down for a few seconds they become almost hypnotized. We made it as quick and painless as possible. The statement "ran around like a chicken with its head cut off" has some basis in actual events, but "flopped" is probably more like it.
After decapitation, the body is immersed in almost boiling water to loosen the feathers and then the feather picking begins. This is a skill that is developed with practice. The first chickens we did took most of the day to get processed, now with our two years of practice behind us, I can tell you that just two of us can process ten chickens in just under 2 hours. But the feathers are the messiest part. They come off the chicken and stick like glue to you - to every part of you, hands, face, chest, hair. And they aren't just feathers, they are wet feathers,, wet feathers, so the smell is one that you will always remember.
I typically get the post of evisceration, being that I am schooled in what needs to stay in and what needs to come out. The feet come off first and then the rest of the neck. A sharp knife is your best friend in this department, that and a pair of latex gloves (or several pair) After that, the scent gland and the anal opening are dissected out and tied shut to avoid any contamination. A small slit is made up the belly of the chicken and then, with small hands a benefit, you squeeze one inside and get a grip on everything from the crop and gizzard on backwards and you gently start pulling. Typically, it all comes out with a "shlop" kind of sound and then you have to assess weather you managed to get all that you needed. Typically, the lungs have to be removed separately because they are part of the upper chest wall and attached rather firmly to the ribs. They come out easily however compared to the kidneys. The kidneys are actually within the bone of the pelvis and behind several tough nerves and connective tissue, so this requires some digging in many cases to get them completely out. The testicles of a chicken are internal and quite large - they startle many at first (including myself) in trying to figure out the anatomy. It had been a while since I had had an avian anatomy course, but after a few minutes of private review I gave a short course to the herd of kids that came around.
I have had numerous people ask me why I would let my kids see it. Why not? I think it only right that they should have some idea of where their food comes from. They understand that it was a living, breathing animal with many of the same parts as we have. They understand that we killed it in the most humane way possible after it had been allowed to have a reasonably happy chicken life of roaming around free on the farm. They understand and are grateful to the chickens for providing us with food to live on. I had seven kids running around me that day while I processed the first chickens and not a one of them was all that grossed out and were really quite fascinated by the anatomy lesson.
After the insides are out, the chicken is scrubbed (inside and out) with fresh water from the hydrant and then bagged in a 2 gallon Ziplock bag and tossed in the freezer. Does it bother us to eat these chickens that we have raised from tiny one day old chicks? In a way. But I am, as I said before happy that they lived a good life - they weren't in cages, they weren't kept shut up inside, they were protected from predators and fed organic food. I think about it, I think about them and I am grateful to them....yes, grateful to a chicken because they provide some of the very best soup and dinners of the entire year.
The chickens have brought a new aspect as well, other than just food. The kids show them.
Simon's first year in 4-H was fairly uneventful because he just took projects that were judged and then sat around for the rest of the fair, but the second year....we took Brownie.
It is important with a flock of chickens to have a rooster.....ONE roster. We discovered early that two just wouldn't work because they started competing for the girls and the girls were paying the price, if you know what I mean. Bob, our other rooster had to go. We had a special butchering session a few weeks after the first and had "Bob noodle soup" that week for dinner. My daughter Ella, did have a little issue with a dinner with a name and will often times now remark, "Who are we eating this time?"
But Brownie was the chosen one. He had been our "free rare chick" that we had received and after much research, I figured out that he was an Ameraucana chicken. Ameraucana are one of the breeds of chickens that lay different colored eggs - greens, blues, and sometimes lavenders. I was excited for Simon because there was so much he could talk to a chicken judge about this breed. He did his 4-H work book and learned some of the feather patterns and different types of fowl. He practiced giving Brownie a bath before the fair. We carted Brownie into town in a cat carrier for the pre-fair blood testing that had to be done, and then the big week came.
We got Brownie all set up at the fair and waited around for most of the day for the judging to happen. Five minutes with the judge and done. Kind of anticlimactic in the end, but then we were only in one class. Brownie stayed the week at the fair and you could here him crowing from anywhere you were....our purple ribbon bird.
Genetics have to come into play however at some point. And where you have one rooster and some hens, eventually, one of the hens takes it into her brain to set on eggs. I had it all planned out, according to the almanac, when would be the best time to get one of the hens to set on eggs. But hens don't read the almanac and they were having nothing doing with the bucket of eggs that I had left for them to set on. It did , however, get their little chicken brains working. Within three weeks of leaving a bunch of eggs for them to ponder over daily, two hens finally took it upon themselves to try to hatch them out.
When a hen becomes "broody" you can tell because all the do is "sit" all day. You can move them around and where every you set them, they sit and stay. They will get up once daily to walk around, eat, drink, and poop, but then it is right back to setting on eggs. These are dedicated mamas! Needless to say, the eggs that I had left for them were goners, so we slowly traded them out for new eggs daily until they each had about 10 eggs to set on. It takes 21 days to grow a chicken from an egg and it is quite possibly one of the coolest things to witness. As the time grew short to when the eggs were to hatch, we put the hens in a separate area away from the other chickens - a little "A" frame brooder house where they would be safe from all the other aunts and uncles pecking on them. I got the call at work on the day that I was a "chicken grandma" and I hope that when I truly am a grandma, that I am half as proud as I was that day. All together we, or rather the hens, hatched out a total of ten baby chicks and raised them quite nicely in the little brooder. When the hens got tired of all their offspring, we moved them back into the regular flock again and then waited a while to move the babies over to the regular pen. There was a lot of chicken moving for a while. Eventually, with much monitoring and stress, the young ones integrated into the flock and took off on their own. Roughly seven months later there was another round of first eggs and butchering - one entire generation born and raised on the farm.
There is a definite learning curve involved in raising chickens, and ours has been (so far) about three years. We have had a few more hens hatch out a few more chicks with some limited success and some failure - mainly due to our intervention. We humans think we know it all when it comes to raising young - even when they aren't our own. But this fall, just as it was starting to turn cold, our best hen....Big Brown Hen as she is affectionately known, decided that she wanted to set on another round of eggs. I didn't think this was the best timing in the world, but chickens don't really care all that much about human opinions, so I decided to make her a "test case" and leave all the eggs laid in one day under her and NOT move her to a brooder. I figured it was too cold for many of the chicks to survive anyway, their chances of hatching were slim to none in my mind because it was 30 degrees at times and if she got off the nest....well, they just weren't made to survive that sort of temperature change.
We left her alone with 10 eggs to mind, paid little heed to what day it was and three weeks later, were stunned to find 6 baby chicks under her! 60% hatch rate....better than we had done so far when we had interveined, but they will never survive once they jump out of the nest because the other chickens will kill them. Survival of the fittest, we decided.
Mama hen was a force to behold. No chicken came within two feet of those babies without her beating them senseless. She chased off anything (including our small grey cat) that even so much as thought about bothering her chicks. She kept a wary eye out for any marauding animals and would call the chicks to her any time there was an exceptionally good spot of bugs or seeds that she had found. At night, when the temperatures dipped down into the twenties, you could find her and her chicks all safely nestled together -all of them protected under her wings staying warm. As they got older, I would go out there at night and find her sitting on the floor with 6 little heads poking out of her wings and feathers....she looked like a 7 headed chicken.
All of our best efforts to provide and protect and Brown hen did better than we ever could with all our fancy heaters and brooding boxes. Mother Nature knows best. Which came first?.....the mama hen.
Brownie's Reign of Terror
Brownie was our main man in the chicken house for the first two years. Purple ribbon winner at the fair and lord of the chicken house. There were offspring that bore his coloring and laid green eggs, but he had a certain way of ruling the roost that was a little frightening. He would eye you up as you came into the yard and sidle up to you, looking like the regal rooster that he was and then.......whoa! The attack was fast and furious and it consisted of him spiking you with his spurs in rabid suscession. He left many a person with wicked bruises - not only from the attack, but from the attempts to get away from him. I started always carrying a broom with me everywhere I went in the chicken yard. He would stalk you and follow you, waiting for the best time to attack.....when you were furthest from an escape. It was at the height of his reign that we ordered another round of chicks - new blood and more interesting breeds for the kids to take to the fair. In this order was another "free rare chick" only this one started out black and after more research, determined that this was a Dominique chicken. He became the choice chicken for my daughter to take to the fair for her first year. From there, he became the Champion Non-Standard Commercial Individual chicken. He not only came home with a purple ribbon, he came home with a trophy! He was also much meeker than Brownie, so the decision was quickly made to usurp Brownie. It was a difficult decision, but it was made much easier right after he attacked me one last time. We butchered at total of 15 chickens this last summer and Brownie was in there somewhere. I am sure that he will make some excellent Brownie Noodle Soup
