Four Mapels

Four Mapels

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Giving Thanks

This was supposed to come out on Thanksgiving while we were out of town, but apparently I have not got the scheduling thing down yet.  Oh well, better late than never.

It seems unusual for a blog dedicated to the farm and raising food to never have a Thanksgiving post.  There is a reason for is because I am giving thanks.  Thanks for time off in the Black Hills of South Dakota where technology takes a vacation.  I am currently so deep in the mountains that there is no cell phone reception, no television, no cable, no computers, no game stations, no Internet....nada.....and it is amazing!  I am engulfed by pine trees, water straight from a spring, skies so blue that they hurt to look at, and silence (well, at least when I am outside our cabin) And inside our tiny cramped cabin there are nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, and grandparents enough to fuel some wicked card games and invigorating discussions.

And so, Happy Thanksgiving! May this holiday season bring you some peace and quiet away from all the technology and hectic schedules that dominate our lives. May you all be giving thanks and enjoying your family as much as I am enjoying mine.

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