Maybe this change is some fictitious thing that my mind has dreamt up, but it seems to me that the wind used to blow more from the west, storms blew in from the west. Now, the wind can often be found blowing from the south and sometimes the east as well. The other day, I went out for a run around the block and was met with a northeasterly wind that threw me all off pace. The radar has as most storms swirling around from the southeast like a giant whirlpool just waiting to haul us under. The spring used to be a time of "April showers bringing May flowers" but now it seems more like "April tornadoes bring May FEMA and Red Cross trucks". I, like Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, gather all the news I need on the weather report....and that news isn't looking so good.
I catch myself sometimes being so angry about our complete apathy of the environment and what we are doing to it, and then at other times I find myself almost hysterically laughing because we are so far past the tipping point already that it really doesn't matter what we do ....we are screwed. I am often reminded of Ruby in the movie Cold Mountain when she explains the current events, "They call this [weather] a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say 'Shit, it's raining!'" We are all aghast that the massive destruction with the tornadoes that takes place and then placidly climb back into SUVs and fill up with gas. The disconnect in people's mind is completely staggering.
This last weekend has been an especially wild one with regards to the weather. I didn't sleep much last night because the radio was left on in the hopes that maybe I would hear the Severe Weather Alerts that come up just before a tornado blows you off the face of the earth. This, of course, only works as long as there is electricity and, given that the electricity went out three times last night before the storm even hit, I also left my window open by my bed so that I might then hear when debris started flying around or the rain would splash in and wake me up. Night time storms have really started freaking me out.
Personally, I rely most on my dog barometer. Gina is a very good predictor of what is coming. I know that when I let her out at night to roam the farm and check for vermin, that if she makes a bee-line for the porch and crawls under it to hide in her ever deepening den, that I had better get inside and pay attention to what is on the horizon because it isn't likely to be anything good. But, if she strolls off into the pasture and checks out the perimeter of the farm, then the weather will likely be fine for that night. Now... if I could just teach her to be a barometer for human intelligence with respect to the environment and climate...that might be useful. My guess, however, would be that she would simply crawl under the porch and dig her hole even deeper.
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