March usually marks the point of "Spring" in my mind and I will likely start becoming overly anxious to be outside every waking moment. I become cagey and frustrated every day that I have to go to work when the weather is beautiful. And, it never fails, the worst days are always the ones that I am at home. There will likely be much gnashing of teeth from now until April and I have a tendency, I'm afraid, of turning into a bearcat with my family due to the confounding weather of March.
There were also seeds planted indoors today to help reduce the early spring gardening anxiety. One hundred and ten onions, 23 tomato, 12 red peppers, 6 leaks and countless lettuce plants were all started today in organic potting soil and will need to be monitored closely and protected from the threat of house cat destruction until such time as the greenhouse becomes more hospitable (and enclosed) to harbor tender plants. Their planting is like a promise that in the next six to eight weeks the weather will be nice enough to move them outside. Planting them is sometimes a more hopeful predictor of spring than judging whether or not a groundhog can identify his shadow. Watching them sprout and then take root in their small pots is a moving pep talk that, indeed, spring is on its way.
Jen. As always, beautifully said. I take great pride in your writing, not because I had anything to do with it, but because it is so real and heartfelt. My wife tells me that when I read your words to her that what you say flows so naturally that you must be an author.
ReplyDeleteDon Johnson
Jen. As always, beautifully said. I take great pride in your writing, not because I had anything to do with it, but because it is so real and heartfelt. My wife tells me that when I read your words to her that what you say flows so naturally that you must be an author.