Next time you pass a confinement, see if you see any pigs doing this.......
This is a mound of grass that I dug out of my garden. Pigs are the ultimate processors of grass, dirt, vegetable matter of all kinds. They rut it apart, eat what can be eaten and simply enjoy the rest. This is what a pig was designed to do. They weren't designed to live in closed confined buildings with no access to dirt and sunlight - it goes against the very grain of all that is pigness.
When pigs are born and raised in confinement they are typically given iron shots....know why? .....because they don't have access to dirt in a confinement and therefore are iron deficient and anemic. But, by giving pigs access to dirt they are fine - no iron deficiency. Pigs and dirt go hand in hand.
**in the background are any number of free range chickens, one crazy fun-loving grey cat named "Tink" and at one point, near the end, Hazel makes an appearance while chasing a chicken.
You never want to go against 'the grain of all that is pigness.' [or edness, for that matter]. Oh, by the way, is that the grass from the new flower bed (she asked, grinning with mischief)?