The Chinese New Year seems to fit my time frame better when it comes to making resolutions. By this time, hopefully, I have the holiday decorations down and all the fudge has since been consumed. This year is the year of the Snake on the Chinese calendar and, according to their astrology, this is to be a year of unexpected transformation. Sounds good to me, we are due for some unexpected transformation.
"Resolutions" always sounds so final, like if you mess up there will be some dire consequences for not completing the task of improving yourself over the course of one year. It feels as if a person doesn't change based on this one "cold turkey" try, it wasn't meant to be. In my own experiences, I have found that most resolutions that are made are things that I slowly work up to changing with many failings along the way....two steps forward, one step back, so to speak....until one day, it finally dawns on me that I actually have made the change I had been seeking - stopped drinking pop, ran a marathon, grew my own popcorn, etc. More of a transformation than a resolution. Maybe the Chinese are on to something here.
At any rate, my so-called resolutions are much more consistent with a slow metamorphosis, small alterations, accommodations, and adaptations that all work to achieve some far distant future transformation. And so, to that end.....
I resolve:
- to be more present in the moment
- to listen with both my ears and then take a minute before making a reply
- to have patience with the extremist viewpoints that come up
- to run more
- to grow more food and flowers
- to meditate whenever I can
- to write more
- to be brave when I otherwise just want to curl up in a ball and hide
- to let go of the things I "hate" or "want" because both are truly not necessary
- to put less sugar in my coffee
- to drink more tea
- to ride my bike to work
Am I likely to fail at most of these....probably, but this is my working list that I have been carrying around in my head for the last several weeks and I have been coming back to it periodically as I make conscious decisions, like whether to have either tea or coffee, or whether to run or sit on my butt. I am hoping that by putting these resolutions out there, it will make me more accountable. Slow steps make for slow progress, but better than the progress of those who never start. Bring it on year of the snake....I could use a few unexpected transformations.